A classic cartoon from my rabbinical school days
I came acroos this masterpiece, a cartoon from the good old days when I taught Hebrew School. I sort of miss it. sort of.
I came acroos this masterpiece, a cartoon from the good old days when I taught Hebrew School. I sort of miss it. sort of.
Yesterday we had an event at Auburn with Ron Kronish a rabbi in Jerusalem that does Inter-religious dialogue. He came with a Palestinian educator, Issa Jabar, who was equally eloquent. At one point during the event, a reporter from a rather anti-Israel magazine felt that it was an opportunity to challenge the charge that Palestinians are being taught to hate Israelis in schools. “Is it true,” she asked Jabar, “that Palestinain teachers are teaching hate?” Jabar’s response: “Yes – but…
The session I did with Rabbi Art Waskow in D.C. “Speaking Truth to Pharoah” is now available on tape. If you are interested, you can order the tape.for 10 bucks plus 7 shipping.
The Harvard School of Divinity Pluralism Project listed one of the op-eds I wrote after 9/11 in its interfaith section. My op-ed was quoted by the editors at the Omaha newspaper. Who knew that folks in Nebraska read the Forverts?
I heard Shibley Telhami speak today on the two state solution. He was level-headed and brilliant – I just wished that someone in power would stop and listen. His latest piece is in Foreign Affairs.
I heard a presentation from the folks from True Majority an outfit spawned by Ben of Ben and Jerry’s. The host was Rabbi Balfour Brickner and his clergy group. One of their missions is to work on ecomomic justice issues — to help people see the bigger issues – both nationally and globally. The short videos on their site are worth watching.
Here’s another review of my book. This review is the first I’ve seen from a caregiver’s perspective.
Rothkos on the wall, Diane Sawyer and Henry Kissinger at the next table over, Senator Corzine shmoozing up on the balcony level – I had the baby spinach, the peppered Tuna and the mocha sundae as I got to know one of our donors. The Four Seasons is one classy joint.
The State Department called me yesterday to see if I’d speak to a group from Belarus. It is a eclectic mix of officials- a Jew, Christian, and Hare Krishna — all coming to the U.S. on this junket: RELIGION IN THE U.S. A Freedom Support Grant Project for Belarus These visitors are invited to the United States under the auspices of the State Department International Visitor Program. March 6 – 28, 2004 Objectives: The participants will be exposed to the…
Last night Union Seminary’s Barry Ulnalov lecturer was Karen Armstrong, the former nun who went on to tv and literary stardom as a guide to religion. I enjoyed her work History of God, and I went expecting to hear her wax philiosophic…but this was a spiritual memoir event that weighed heavy on the memoir trope of “how a reject became famous” — she was funny and charming but ultimately she had very little to say.